
2016 Banned Books Week

So it is Banned Books Week. Every year hundreds of complaints are filed against books for a variety of reasons. Concerns about racism, political views, nudity, or homosexuality etc. are used to challenge a books status on the shelf at the library. Once a complaint is filed, a committee reviews the book then decides if the book should be banned or removed from shelves. It is that simple.  

Per the ALA.org (American Library Association) website, Banned Books Weeks is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Highlighting the value of free and open access to information. This week brings together the entire book community in shared support of the freedom to seek, to publish, to read and to express ideas that some consider unorthodox or unpopular. 

Looking for Alaska by John Green was the number one banned book of 2015. This book was banned for offensive language, being sexually explicit, and unsuited for (YA) age group. Followed by Fifty Shades of Grey at #2. Even The Holy Bible is #6 on this list for religious views. 

This is my choice to read for banned books week this year. Are you participating? If so, what banned book did you choose? 

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