
Write Thoughts (1): NANOWRIMO

Write Thoughts is a weekly feature idea I came up with for all my writer friends. Each week there will be a writing question I will pose and answer. This is to connect with other writers, get ideas and writing advice. Feel free to participate in the comments or on your blog. Use the linky tool thingy at the bottom. Here we go!

November is coming and you know what that means, NANOWRIMO! So, do you plan to participate in NANOWRIMO this year? If so, have you come up with the idea for your novel? How do you prepare?

For those that don't know NANOWRIMO is an annual novel writing project. It beginning November 1st and he goal is to write a 50,000 words by midnight on the 30th. I haven't participated in the past two years. Most of the time I'm already in the middle of something. I don't want to stop and start something new nor do I want to cheat so I don't participate. However, this year I have several ideas floating around and I've hit a stump on my current work so why not.  I'm thinking of going the paranormal route since I've had the idea for a book floating around in my head for months. I realize this is mighty ambitious considering I have never written anything in that genre (not even a short story) and to have to complete it in a month, I'm asking for it. I believe I am up for the challenge.

Lately I've just been writing when I can, fitting in time during the day between other projects. For this, though, I'm determined to complete and complete well so I have to prepare myself, mentally and also prepare my family. I will need uninterrupted writing time at home (Yeah right). I'm also working on my outline for my novel. Though I don't normally outline when I write, I figure it will help tremendously given the short time period.

So, answer the question above about NANOWRIMO either in my comments or on your blog. I'd leave to hear what you have to say!

1 comment:

Logan E. Turner said...

I'm doing Nano again this year! When the site gets its act together with the writing buddies, we'll have to swap names!

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